Hi! I'm kura (蔵). fka milpheyyu, aka kurako or ****
Welcome to my little web site. It's mostly a place for some new journal posts and rambling, fun secret projects, and keeping track of myself online.
This page was started as a place to aggregate and collect all my old webpages / journal entries / blog posts / personal stuff I've posted online throughout my life. There's been a lot! I started blogging around 1995 or so (!)
But of course I got sidetracked on doing that (old content is boring?) and started working on little projects like listing every phone I've had in my life!
So this is basically an iteration and continuation of my online presence. And I'm looking forward to seeing what it can become!
Your Webmistress
Mini Profile
Name: kura
Age: secret
Sign: Cancer
Height: 5'6
Weight: XXX
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Korean
Fave Color: Pink!
Animal: Dog
Hobbies: Music, Gaming, Animation (Japanese and Western), Pro Wrestling, Computers, Tech, Japanese stuff
Music: grew up on punk rock, ska punk, hardcore,
then hip-hop a little, rock music,
then HARD into J-pop, idols, Morning Musume, j-punk indies
Currently Hip-hop (J DILLA) and House (Vintage Culture, tech house) and Techno (Carl Cox)
Types of Intelligence: Body-Kinesthetic, Musical (rhythm), Spatial, Existential
Strength: Cute
Weakness: My own mind
Now Proudly hosted on Neocities!
Modified layout originally by TEMPLATERR
This page was last manually updated September 19th, 2024