Hi, welcome to Anime, the Drinking Game!
This page was originally started on Geocities in July 1995.
The most active time was from 1997-1999 being hosted on Tripod and XOOM
It was resurrected in December 2023 on Neocities!
The more things change, the more they stay the same :)
This page is basically a hobby side project, a reason to mess around with html, something to play with, hand-code, break, fix, tinker with, and hack away at mindlessly when I have some free time.
Currently on layout Version 4.0. You can view locally-hosted previous versions of the layout: Version 3.0, Version 2.0 (first version on Neocities) or a "remade" Classic Version (mostly complete!)
Now proudly hosted on Neocities!
Modified layout by petrapixel's layout generator v1.0
Website by kura