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[Ranma �]-[Urusei Yatsura]-
[Kimagure Orange Road]-[Akira]-
[The Vision of Escaflowne]-[Macross Plus]-
[DNA^2]-[Sabre Marionette J]-[
Ninja Scroll]-[Revolutionary Girl Utena]
Whenever Akane is called uncute, take a drink
Whenever Happosai or Ranma is called a hentai, take a drink
Everytime Happosai gropes Ranma, take a drink
Everytime Happosai says "What a haul!", take a drink
Everytime Mousse pulls a weapon out from his clothes, take a drink
Everytime a Ranma character changes form, take a drink
Whenever Shampoo doesn't use proper grammer, take a drink
Everytime Ranma runs/walks on top a fence, take a drink
Whenever you hear the word 'baka' take a drink
Everytime Kasumi cooks something, take a drink
If you ever see Kasumi without an apron, take 3 drinks
If you ever see Ryoga as P-Chan "try to get fresh" with Akane, take a drink
Whenever Genma holds up a sign, take 1/2 of a drink
Whenever Shampoo speeks Chinese (Nihao, Wo ai ni, etc.) take a drink
Whenever Kuno speeks of the "Pig-tailed goddes" take a drink
Everytime Kasumi says "Oh my!" (dubbed version), take a drink
Every time Ranma gets hit in the head by Akane, take a drink (two if it's a mallet, 3 if Shampoo lands on his head with her bike).
Every time Ryoga starts thinking about Akane, goes into a dream sequence, and wakes up shouting something embarassing just as Akane walks by, take 2 drinks.
If Kodachi laughs, take a drink
If Kodachi throws flowers, take a drink
If Tusbasa is NOT wearing a dress, chug.
If a whole episode with Ukyou goes by withOUT any okonomiyaki, chug.
If Genma has an image of Nodoka WITHOUT including an image of her with a sword forcing them to commit seppeku...chug.
If Ranma or Akane tells the other they love each other without any magical interlude, chug.
If the old washer woman doesn't appear in the episode, take 2 drinks.
Everytime Gosunkugi uses his camera take a drink.
Everytime Azusa goes on one of her "kawaii" routines take a drink.
Everytime Kuno Tatewaki just doesn't get it take a drink.
Every time you see a hot water kettle, take a drink.
Every time you see someone doing Martial arts moves that defy the natural laws of physics, take a drink.
Whenever Ranma eats more than his weight in food,take a drink.
Every time Kuno says "Curse you,Ranma Saotome!" take a drink.
Whenever someone gets hit with a mallet take a drink, two drinks if they fly into the horizon.
Everytime Shinobu picks up something that weighs more than she does, take a drink
Everytime Mendo whips out the katana, take a drink
Everytime Lum says "Darling" or Ataru gets fried, take a drink If Lum says " Darling!" and then fries Ataru, take 2 drinks
Every time there's an unintentionally funny translation in the subbed version ("Neptune is Beyond My Closet"), take one drink.
One drink for every time Ten steals a scene with a smart-ass remark.
If Lum and Shinobu ever start fighting *each other*, finish your drink!
Every time Kyosuke convinces Madoka that he's not leading Hikaru on, take a drink.
Every time Madoka, Kyosuke, or Hikaru drink, do likewise.
Everytime Kaneda screams "Teeetsuuooo!!!" take a drink
Every time you think "What the _hell_ does that mean?", take a drink (chug for the entire end sequence).
When you see or hear somthing blow-up, take a drink
When you see Kanada get on his bike, take a drink
When you see a huge riot, take 2 drinks
When you absolutely do not know what the hell is going on or you are totally freaked-out by things, chug a 6-pack of beer
Each time you see Tetsuo kick the crap out of the Tokyo army, take 2 drinks
Each time someone mentions about Akira, chug one beer
Every time Merle says "Van sama" take a drink
Every time Hitomi mistakes Allen for Amano Senpai take 2 drinks
Every time Merle gets mad at Hitomi take 2 drinks
Every time Escaflowne turns into a dragon take a drinks
Every time Dilandou acts like he needs be in a room with padded walls take a drink, 2 if he gets beat down shortly after.
Each time Van or Escaflowne draws his sword, throw one back.
Each time Dornkirk or Falken talks about the Destiny-Altering Device, take 2 drinks.
Each time a city is burned to the ground, take 3 drinks.
Whenever Van or Folkein sprouts a pair of wings, take 2 drinks
Whenever Vargass takes on a guymelef with just his sword, chug a bottle
Every time Hitomi is clinically dead, take 3 drinks.
Take on drink every time you hear the Sweadish guy say "Escaflowne."
Every time you recognise something it has in commen with Star Wars, take a drink.
Whenever Isamu has a verbal argument with Guld, take a drink.
Whenever Isamu crashes his plane/sim, take a drink.
Whenever Myung contemplates her career choice (i.e., claims that she hasn't reached her dreams but the others have), take 2 drinks.
Whenever anyone says, "Sharon Apple's the Best!", or something to that effect, take a drink.
Whenever Guld says "Haven't you done enough?" to Isamu, take 2 drinks.
Whenever someone says 'Prudent', drink a shot. When Isamu says it, take 2 drinks.
Whenever Jaunn Newman groans, drink a shot. If it's not about the YF-19, take 3 drinks.
Whenever Karin talks about her "sweet-sweet" home, take a drink.
Whenver Ryuji takes or talks about DNA take a drink.
Whenever Ami acts very calm around Karin who is floating in the air or doing something very futuristic, shake your head and down the rest of the bottle.
Everytime Cherry makes some subtle sexual remark to Otaru that Lime doesn't understand, take a drink.
Whenever Blood Berry comes right out and says Otaru and her should get freaky, take 2 drinks.
Every time you notice Lime's feet are makng that squeaking noise again, take a drink.
Whenever Lime steals, breaks, or angers something, you better believe it's time to take a drink.
Everytime Otaru looks like his marionettes are too much to handle, take a drink.
Everytime Otaru defends his marionettes because they don't know better, take a drink.
Whenever someone's in trouble, and you can predict exactly what's going to happen, take a shot.
Everytime a new program starts (eg. "Cherry", "Blood Berry", "Lime"), throw one back.
Whenever you hear music you swear is by the Indigo Girls, take a drink.
Whenever Hanagata hits on Otaru, take 5 drinks (you'll need them).
Take a shot of something really strong when Lime just doesn't get it.
Anytime looking at that old mystical guy gives you the creeps (or anything else for that matter, i.e. snakes coming out of naughty places, bees devouring people from the inside,certain demons having conversations about their bisexuality), take four drinks of Colt 45 to stop shuddering.
Anytime someone's blood squirts out so hard that it makes a sound like a faucet turned too high, take a drink.
Anytime someone eats a rice ball, take a drink.
Anytime that one gay demon (he's still cool) electrocutes someone for no real reason, take a big drink.
Anytime Jubei pukes into his hand at bad moments take a drink.
Anytime Kagero says something to the effect of "Don't touch me! I'm poison!" take a small sip.
Anytime a bamboo forest gets chopped down by Baddass Ninja Action, take a drink.
Anytime a big stone guy drinks blood from someone's dismembered limbs drink from the bottle just as long as he continues to gulp blood.
Anytime someone reattaches a rather necessary body part without changing their facial expression whatsoever take many drinks.
Anytime you wonder why that little old man is even in the friggin' movie drink something strong.
Anytime Jubei says "GAMMMMAAA!" cheer and drink a lot.
Anyime Jubei slashes the crap out of some nameless enemy in a blind rage take a drink.
Anytime the Shogun of the Dark is mentioned ask yourself "Which demon was that?" and take a drink.
Anytime deadly ninjas are used as crude manual labor (i.e. loading barges) when they could have been on guard duty take a drink and laugh at Gama's arrogance.
Anytime someone throws waaay to many shuriken than necesary take a big gulp.
Anytime Jubei says something like "But I already killed you!" take a drink.
Anytime you wonder where the heck those flower petals were coming out of take a big drink and forget about it.
Same goes for when Jubei climbs that thin little thread.
Whenever Anthy Himemiya calls Uten "Miss Utena" take a drink, take two if Utena says "Stop wth the Miss Utena thing!"
Every time Utena fights a duel and wins, take a drink.
Every time Utena fights a duel and LOSES, chug some Vodka.
Whenever someone slaps Anthy around, two drinks (three if it's Sayonji, and throw something at him while you're at it)
Whenever Chu-Chu eats something bigger than his head/body, one drink
Whenever Miki stops his stopwatch, one drink (two if you're still wondering why he does it)
When ever you see Touga hit on Utena one drink
When you see any one slap Anthy one sip
When you see the Akio car drive its self drink untill you pass out |