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[Tenchi Muyo!]-[Devil Hunter Yohko]-
[Dragon Ball Z]-[Ghost in the Shell]-
[Bubblegum Crisis]-[Porco Rosso]-[
Maison Ikkoku]-[Here is Greenwood]-[Gundam Wing]-
[Armitage III]
Everytime Washu comes in to explain something confusing, take a drink
Everytime Sasami says "onisama/onichan" to people who arn't even her brother or sister, take a drink
Everytime Ryoko and Ayeka fight, take a drink
Everytime Ryoko tries to get the magical tenchi sword back, take a drink
Everytime Ryoko stops to fix her hair, take a drink
Everytime Mihoshi says something stupid and pointless, take a drink
Everytime Ayeka calls Tenchi's parents HER parents, take a drink
Everytime you think to yourself "Why was Ayeka going to marry her brother?", take a drink
Any time you see Ryoko naked, take a drink
When Tenchi breakes out into a sweat, take a drink.
When ever Tenchi's Grandpa kicks someone's ass take two drinks (just because it's so cool!!)
Everytime Washu-chan becomes Washu, chug.
Take a drink whenever Tenchi's father tries to peek at anyone.
Take a drink whenever there is a villian the Galaxy Police _can't_ deal with!
If Aeka doesn't scream within the duration of an episode, chug.
If Sasami is anything but cute, chug.
If Ryo-ohki does NOT eat a carrot for the whole episode, chug.
If Tenchi's mother is mentioned, 2 drinks.
If Ryoko and Washu say anything about being mother and daughter, 2 drinks.
Anytime you run out of the room because Ryo-Ohki's near-constant mewling drives you to murder take a drink to chill out.
Whenever Kiyone gets mad at Mihoshi, one sip (anything more and you'd be drunk off your @$$ in no time..).
Whenever Kiyone despairs about her ever getting a promotion, one drink.
Whenever Ryouko comes on to Tenchi and Aeka yells at her to get away, one drink.
Whenever something from the OAV series that had little to nothing to do with the TV series is mentioned into the TV series: three drinks per mention. Two entire beverages if it's brought into the TV series and just leave it at that.
Whenever Yohko transforms, take a drink.
Whenever Azuza transforms, take 2 drinks.
Whenever Yohko get's her dress torn, take a drink. Two if it reveals her breasts.
Whenever Yohko thinks about losing her virginity, take a drink.
Whenever Yohko gives a long speech, chug for the length of the speech.
Whenever Yohko's grandma fakes her death, take a drink
Whenever Osamu is called immature, take a drink
If Yohko's mother asks Yohko about her virginity, take a drink.
If Yohko actually loses her virginity, drinks are on the house!
Prepare a drink using 1 mililiter times every swing the Black Queen takes at Yohko.
One half a drink for every condom shown in episode 1.
Every time someone in dbz dies, take a drink....
Every time someone in dbz comes back to life, take a drink
Every time you watch a whole dbz tape where no one dies, go strait to getting drunk
Every time a villain sneers, take 2 drinks
Every time Vegeta hits Trunks, take 2 drinks
Every time Piccolo rescues Gohan, empty a bottle
Every time someone Ki's up Drink one
Every time someone pops a Senzu, Drink two
Every time Chi Chi worries about Goku or Gohan, Drink One
Every time you hear a villains "squeaky shoes" finish you beer!
Drink one Every time Gohan cries.
Every time Gohan screams "PICCOLO-SAN!!!!!!"chug for the length of the scream.
Whenever Bulma comes up with a new invention take a drink.
Every time Vegeta says he doesn't need that "damned Kakarotto's help" take a drink.
FUNimation Version
Any time you hear the words "another dimension", chug some vodka
Whenever you see somebody check somebody's power level, take a drink
If you hear a REALLY dumb pop culture reference, take two drinks.
If Krillin/Kuririn says "This is nuts!" or "You're nuts!", take a drink.
If you think that the Shuki Levi music is cool, STOP DRINKING! YOU'VE HAD TOO
Whenever you see Mamoru Oshii's pet basset hound Gabriel (aka "Gabu-chan"), take 3 drinks.
If you even know what I'm talking about, take a drink RIGHT NOW!
Whenever people stand perfectly still, moving only their lips, for a long period of time, and discuse the philisophical consept of the self, take 2 drinks.
Whenever Major Kusanagi turns invisible, take a drink.
Whenever the movie quotes the Bible, take a drink and say 2 "Our Father"s.
Whenever someone says "2501" take a drink.
Drink a beer, if you think Priss looks hotter without that stupid blonde wig.
Take a drink everytime Leon fires his Earthshaker Revolver.
Take a drink everytime Nene acts completely useless in combat. Drink three shots, if she actually does something useful in combat. Drink the whole damn beer if she saves someone's butt in combat!
Take a drink everytime a boomer brutally frags a member of the AD Police.
Take 2 drinks everytime Mackie tries to catch a peek at one of the Knight Sabers naked. Drink three if he tries to take a peek at his sister Sylvia!
Take 2 drinks everytime Priss complains or bad-mouths about Boomers.
Whenever anyone comments on Marco being a pig, take a drink.
Whenever anyone shoots down a biplane, take a drink.
Whenever Marco's biplane is shot down, drink the bottle.
Whenever Marco suggests something about 'Women should keep their place,' take 2 drinks.
Whenever Curtis mentions his homeland, take a drink.
Whenever Curtis hits on someone, take 1/2 a drink.
Whenever Curtis proposes to anyone, drink a toast to his future.
When you work out how Marco got to be a pig, drink half a bottle in congratulations!
Anytime somebody gets drunk in the episode, take a drink
Everytime Godai get drunk (and does something wild), take two drinks
Everytime Kyoko gets drunk take four drinks
Anytime the episode does not center in Kyoko and/or Godai, take two drinks
Whenever Kyoko isnt wearing her "pio pio" apron in Maison Ikkoku: take two drinks
Anytime Mr. Ichinose is seen, take two drinks
Anytime Mr. Ichinose does something himself, take four drinks
Anytime Ms. Ichinose imitiates/speaks "women talk" to Kyoko, take a drink
Anytime Ms. Ichinose spreads rumors about Kyoko/Godai, take a drink
Whenever Ms. Ichinose "dances" drunk swinging fans, take a drink
Everytime something happens which everybody except Kyoko knows, take a drink
Whenever somebody wonders what Yotsura-san's job is, take a drink
Every time Yotsura-san black-mails food from Godai, take a drink
Every time Yotsura-san sincerely helps somebody. take four drinks
Whenever Mitaka's teeth shines, take a drink
Every time a dog suddenly appears and scares Mitaka, take a drink
Every time Akemi walks around just wearing thin nightgown, take a drink
Whenever somebody living in M I steals food from Godai, take a drink
Anytime Godai is teased in somebody living in M I, take a drink
Whenever Godai kisses kyoko, take two drinks
If the kiss is intentional, take four drinks
Whenever Kozue misunderstands Godai, take a drink
Whenever Kozue is sad, take four drinks
Whenever someone says "Hasukawa", take a drink.
Whenever someone says "Suka-chan", take 2 drinks.
Everytime Shun is mistaken for a girl, take a drink.
Everytime Shun pretends to be a girl, take 2 drinks.
Whenever Hasukawa is touched by a/some girls, take a drink.
Whenever Hasukawa gets a nosebleed because he is touched by a/some girls, take 2 drinks.
Whenever Nagisa-kun threatens to kill Shinobu, take a drink.
Whenever Nagisa-kun tries to kill Shinobu, take 2 drinks.
Each time Mitsuru tells Misako (the ghost) to get lost, take a drink.
Each time Misako comes back to Mitsuru, take 2 drinks.
If you see that preaching loony in the dorm hallway, take a drink.
If you are taken by what the preaching loony preaches, you have problems.
Everytime Heero says "omae o korosu" take two drinks.
Everytime Relena says "heero" or vice versa chug, 'cause it's really annoying.
Everytime Duo gets thrown into prison, take three drinks, 'cause you feel sorry for the poor bugger.
Whenever Heero breaks into manaiacal laughter take 2 drinks.
Whenever Wufei comments on being honorable in battle, take 1 1/2
If you get the impression that Noyn is coming on to Zechs, go home and
sleep it all off.
Whenever the Wing Gundam transforms, take a drink.
If you find yourself wondering what the hell Lady Une is doing with
her clothes on while Treize is taking a bubble bath, go home and sleep
it off.
Every time Zechs reports to Treize, take a drink.
Every time Quatre apologizes to a guy he just whacked, take a drink.
Every time Duo makes a comment about Heero, take a sip.
Whenever Heavyarms is laying down mad firepower, drink for the
duration. If he runs out of ammo, take another four drinks.
One drink: Every time Elizabeth Berkley uses the wrong tone of voice; every time Keifer Southerland grunts.
Two drinks: Every time the shades go on, and every time the shades go off. Three drinks: Every time D'Anclaude comes back from the dead.
Every time you find a parallel with Battle Angel/Gunnm, stand up, say "I walk in faith!" and sit down. Last back down finishes their beer.