General / Misc.

Take one drink

Every time someone calls someone else a bastard.

Whenever someone's eyes get really big and their pupils get really small.

Whenever someone has a gun bigger than THEM.

Every time someones eyes look like black rainbows.

If you're watching anime that's from the 80s and you didn't even know it.

If somebody gets a grenade in the face and lives.

Everytime Nuku Nuku says "papa-san" instead of "sensai".

Everytime you're watching The Hakkenden, and you think "What the hell is going on?"

Any time any sort of mech blows up.

Whenever someone gives a peace or victory sign.

Whenever someone puts their right hand on the back of their head and mades a stupid grin or laughs.

Anytime anything blows up and it shouldn't (rocks, trees, concrete wall, etc.).

Everytime your watching Robotech and you think "Thank God Minmei isn't singing right now".

Everytime your watching Space Cruiser Yamato and somebody mentions that the earth only has one year to live, scream "SHUT _UP!_".

Whenever there's obviously bad translation, burn a little voodoo doll of Carl Macek, and then take a drink.

Everytime a person's face is frozen in terror or pain.

Whenever someone sticks out their tongue, or pulls down an eyelid, (two if two people both do it at the same time).

Whenever someone uses their dying breath to feeblely whisper a loved ones name. Take another drink if the person named responds by screaming out the dead person's name.

Whenever you see the ending to an anime that's drawn super-deformed and/or drawn on crumpled pieces of paper.

Whenever you see a girl with a short skirt, take a drink, two if it's REALLY short, and five if it's a guy.

Whenever you see somebody eat something bigger that their head.

Every time someone leaps away from an attack JUST IN TIME to get missed.

Whenever you see the sight of female's underwear.

Whenever someone gets a HUGE bloody nose from viewing any nudity.

Take two drinks

Every time a sweat drop appears bigger than somebody's hand.

Every time someone gets hit and they fly up into the sky until they can not be SEEN anymore.

Whenever your watching dubbed, and the english stops, but the persons' lips keep moving for more than 3 seconds.

Each time you see a chick or chick villian with hair all the way down, or below, her butt. If its a guy, take 4.

Whenever someone crys or whines like a baby.

Anytime Tokyo/NeoTokyo blows up.

Whenever a girl acts too damn cute, that you feel like you are getting a cavity (to numb the pain).

Unrestrained panic by a young female.

When somebody is bleeding more blood then the normal human body can possibly hold, take two drinks.

Multiple drinks

Everytime you're watching subtitled and you hear the person say something different in japanese than is said at the bottom of the screen (assuming you know japanese) take 3 drinks.

Whenever a chick has big hearts popping out of thier eye sockets, take 3 drinks.

If there is a sudden intervention by an unknown character take 3 drinks.

Everytime Macross (SDF-1) fires the cannon, drink the whole bottle!

When you start ACTING like an anime character, don't drink anymore!! You've had WAY too much!!

Anytime you're watching Robotech and see thousands of Battloids and pilots that should be irreplaceable given the SDF-1's limited resources and near complete isolation get destroyed and instantly replaced the by the next episode take four drinks and throw darts at your Carl Macek-shaped wall hanging.

 El Hazard

Take one drink

Everytime Miz talks about her and Fujisawa's wedding.

Everytime Ura says a word twice or says "hmm?".

Everytime Jinnai laughs for more than 10 seconds.

Everytime Jinnai gives another bugrom a human name.

Everytime Alielle comes on to another female.

Everytime Alielle thinks Makoto is Fatora again.

Everytime Shayla-Shayla's eye twitches when she gets mad.

Everytime Nanami and Shayla argue over Makoto.

Whenever Ifurita has to be "wound up" like a toy.

Whenever Rune Venus stands on her balcony looking forlorn.

Multiple drinks

Everytime Fujisawa drinks, you drink the same amount as him

 Neon Genesis Evangelion

Take one drink

Every time Shinji gets embarassed over stupid things.

Every time Asuka says anything in German.

Every time Rei says ANYTHING.

Whenever anyone mentions an AT field (excluding OP segment).

If Pen Pen appears in an episode.

Whenever Kaji hits on Misato.

Every time they show that 5:00 minute counter thing.

Every time you laugh at such a powerful machine needing an extension cord. (and would they need a converter if fighting angels in europe?)

Every time Asuka PURPOSELY says anything to embarass Shinji.

Every time Shinji says "I must not run away" (to bolster yourcourage)

Every time Shinji's friends say something about Misato being a babe.

Every time you try to figure out why Unit 00 is blue and white all of a sudden.

When Gendo says something pessimistic about the future of mankind (to drown your sorrows).

Every time someone mentions the second impact.

Every time the dead sea scrolls are mentioned.

Whenever they show that bridge thingie in the geo-front.

Whenever they show NERV headquarters from outside.

Whenever Touji mentions Shinji and Asuka being "newly weds".

Whenever Pen Pen does something funny.

Everytime you hear about a new Eva series model.

Whenever you hear an American's voice over a PA system.

Everytime Asuka brags about how she'll destroy the Angel herself. If Asuka beats the Angel, take 2 drinks. If Asuka loses to the Angel, take 3 drinks.

Whenever you hear crickets in the background.

Everytime you see a younger version of Gendo, Ritsuko, or Misato in a flashback.

Everytime you see Yui Ikari in a flashback.

Everytime you see a full-screen caption (you'll be hammered by the time ep.25 and 26 are over!).

Take two drinks

Every time Asuka says 'Anta Baka'.

Every time Rei says 'Hai'.

Whenever anyone mentions the possiblity of Misato and Shinji sleeping together (Misato & Shinji included).

Whenever Kaji hits on anyone else.

Whenever someone other than Touji mentions Shinji and Asuka being "newly weds".

When you start to think that Rei has one hell of a martyr complex.

When you see Gendo in a flashback and think, "Man, what a geek...".

Whenever you drift off thinking about life and philosophy, and you miss a part.

Whenever you see Misato and Kaji involved in a little... 'extra-curricular activity'.

Multiple drinks

Whenever a N2 mine is used, take three drinks

Whenever Shinji wakes up in the hospital, take three drinks. (Happens 6 times I think)

Whenever Misato drinks a can of beer, drink a can of beer.

If people eat Misato's food and LIKE it, chug.

Everytime poor Shinji's tormented by flashbacks of being left by his father, chug. (Just 'cause it's so sad. ;_;)

 Blue Seed

Take one drink

Whenever Sakura says something in English. (subtitled version)

Always have a beer (or root beer) during the "Omaki Theater" at the end of each video.

Every time Momiji starts blushing.

Every time Murakumo says "Perfect" or "Imperfect".

If you see Kaede or Momiji in a scene with Cherry Blossoms.

Every time Kusanagi saves Momiji.

Take two drinks

Whenever you see Momiji's panties.

Every time an Aragami says "Kushinada".

 Vampire Princess Miyu

Take one drink

Whenever you try to figure out the the true spelling/pronouciation of Larva's name (Larava, "Lover", oops, don't wanna get into that), drink some to clear your head.

Whenever a boy that Miyu likes gets killed/sacrificed/and or seduced by a Shinma, drink 1/8 of a shot (don't wanna get TOO drunk, now ^_~')

Whenever Spritualist Himiko calls Miyu a "monster".

Drink some Vodka whenever Miyu trys to give someone eternal life, but fails miserably

Multiple drinks

Whenever Miyu changes schools, empty a bottle, two bottles if Himiko goes to that school, trying to get information on Miyu

Drink 10 cans of beer whenever you see Larva without his mask on (like, once every 2 episodes..?)

 Fushigi Yuugi

Take one drink

Everytime Miaka thinks about/eats food.

Everytime a seishi's symbol is shown.

Everytime the characters go into SD form.

Everytime Miaka calls Tamahome's name.

Everytime Tamahome calls Miaka's name, twice if another Suzako seishi calls her name.

Everytime Chichiri appears/disappears using his hat.

Everytime Nuriko is accused of being gay.

Everytime Miaka needs to be saved.

Everytime Yui says she's going to get Tamahome.

 Magic Knights Rayearth

Hikaru gets those cute li'l kitty ears: two drinks.

Umi tries to maim Mokona: two drinks.

Fuu states the blatantly obvious: one drink.

Hikaru reminisces on events that occured earlier in the series: three drinks. Four if Umi or Fuu do it. Five if they're recollecting for someone else's benefit.

Princess Emeraude begs Zagato to cease what he's doing because it's killing Cephiro: two drinks.

Anytime a character repeats something they'd said earlier in a series for anything beyond the third time, drink for the number of times they've mentioned it. Or just yell at them to shut up about it already.

Mokona bounces into Hikaru's chest/arms: two drinks.

Mokona disappears just as a fight starts up and reappears as soon as it's over: one drink.

Umi comments on this: three drinks.

Anyone else comments on this: entire beverage.

Anytime someone manages to do something because they "believed" they could do it, two drinks. Five if it's not Hikaru, Umi, or Fuu.

Someone receives a new spell: one drink.

Someone uses a spell while in a Mashin (Machine): two drinks.

Someone goes into SD at a rather inappropriate moment: one drink.

An entire episode goes by without a single person going into SD: chug.

Anytime the girls kill an unsurmountable number of monsters while barely getting any damage in return: entire beverage. (Three bottles if it's early in the series, like that one time Umi and Hikaru were hacking down those legions of monsters around the big black floating rock thingie that Fuu and Ferrio were supposed to destroy..).

Anytime anyone's armor/sword grows, one drink per growth of singular item.

Anytime anyone talks about how Cephiro is dying, 1/4 a drink (c'mon...they talk about that SO much..).

Mokona displays an interesting ability, one drink. Two if it's the first time you've ever seen it.

Everytime any of the girls call Alcyone a middle-aged lady, one drink.

 Dagger of Kamui

Whenever someone realated to Jiro dies, take a drink.

Whenever you see someone who couldn't posibly know Japanese, speeking it fluently (ie. cowboys, Indians... er... Native Americans, Mark Twain, and so on.) take a drink.

Whenever someone dies and cries, "Jiiiiiiroooo!" take a drink (this is addition to the one for relitives.)

Whenever someone bleeds fireworks, take 2 drinks.

Every time you have to pause the tape to go to the bathroom, take a drink. (it IS well over 2 hours long)


Whenever anyone eats, take a drink.

Whenever Gourry dosen't get it, take a drink ( Two drinks if he then makes a wise crack about Lina's bust. Three if she then whacks him one)

Whenever Zelgadis crosses his arms, take a drink. In short, take a drink whenever you see Zel.

Whenever all the guys have to get in drag, take a drink. Two if they enjoy it

Whenever Amelia gives her little Miss Justice Speech take a drink (if she falls on her face from a high place afterwards take 2)

Take a drink everytime Zelos shakes his finger

Take a drink and run out of the room everytime Naga laughs (You'll get lots of exercise too! Just watch out for walls when you're running away OK?)

Every time Lina asks Gourry for the sword of Light take two drinks

Whenever you think, "This is just like Dungeons and Dragons," take a drink.

Whenever somebody calls Lina "weird", take a drink, two if she hits them, and three if she casts a spell

Anytime ANYONE makes a crack about Lina's bust, take 1/4 of a drink (wouldn't want to get drunk would we?)

Anytime you see ten Nagas, drink two six packs and pass out on the floor

Whenever Amelia (dub name) starts jumping around, take one drink per successful jump.

Whenever Lina starts going treasure-crazy, two drinks.

If the heroes ever lose a battle or give up halfway through a meal, chug.

Whenever Lina says a long-winded speech to use a spell where she usually just yells out the spellname, or vice versa, three drinks. Five if it's the Dragon Slave.

Whenever Xelloss says "That is a secret" ("Sore wa himitsu desu"), one drink.

Whenever Lina hits anyone other than Gourry, two drinks.

Whenever Lina uses the Dragon Slave, two drinks.

Whenever Lina uses an overkill spell to destroy some minor enemies, one drink.

Whenever anyone uses a spell named after a Mazoku, two drinks.

Whenever Xelloss kisses Lina, four drinks and whistle (or boo, or retch, depending) your appreciation.

Whenever Lina and Gourry are looking all romantic at each other, three drinks.

Whenever Gourry summons the Sword of Light, two drinks.

Whenever someone mentions Shaburanigo or Ceipheed, two drinks.

Whenever Shilfiell hints that she likes Gourry, three drinks.

Whenever Lina and Gourry kiss, lie down and take a long, loooong nap. Trust me, you *need* one.

Whenever Lina-tachi have a scuffle with a Mazoku (Xelloss included), three drinks. Seven if it's Shaburanigdo. Ten if they're fighting a Mazoku lord (Shabby counts) and manage to kill it.

Whenever Lina uses the Giga Slave, chug.

Whenever the Giga Slave is discussed, drink entire beverage. Or just take one drink everytime someone says 'Giga Slave'.

Whenever people are afraid of Lina, take a drink. If it's because of her reputation, take two drinks. If it goes something like "Lina Inverse?! The walking force of destruction, the natural enemy of all who live, the bandit-killer..?!" chug for the length and pass out (Whoo! ^_~)

Everytime Zelgadis is self-concious of himself, take 1/8 of a drink, if he follows it with "Damn you, Rezo.." take 1/4 of a drink (Don't wanna go past the legal limit now, do we? :)

Whenever Syphiel ends/begins a sentence with "Gourry dear...." (or, "Gourry-sama..") take a drink

 Sailor Moon


Whenever a Sailor Senshi/Scout transforms, take a drink.

Whenever you see the "Monster of the Day", take a drink, (two drinks if it's male).

Whenever Tuxedo Mask/Kamen throws a rose, take a drink.

Whenever someone who knows Serena/Usagi doesn't recgonize she's Sailor Moon, despite the obvious hair doo, take 3 drinks.

How about whenever Usagi-chan panics/freaks and her odango pop off her head? I say 2 drinks..

Whenever someone says "Sailor (moon, mercury, mars, ect)" take a drink.

Any time Usagi says Mamo-chan, take a drink.

Whenver you go crazy trying to figure out what sex the Sailor Starlights are, drink a keg to clear your head.

Whenever a guy with two earrings attacks the scouts/senshi take a drink.

In SuperS take a drink whenever Pegasus appears!

Whenever the Scouts/Senshi face a powerful enemy, so powerful that they have to combine their powers to beat the enemy, drink a whole bottle!

Michiru says "ara", two drinks.

Michiru flirts with Haruka or vice versa, one drink.

Haruka flirts with someone other than Michiru, two drinks.

Minako misquotes something, one drink. Two if Artemis corrects her.

Usagi and Chibiusa get into an argument, one drink. Two if it's over something laughably unimportant. Wait, forget that last part, they're ALWAYS arguing over something laughably unimportant...

Setsuna says the future may be changed, two drinks.

Setsuna gets angry, four cans.

Hotaru flips out/displays an unusual talent (such as healing someone)/speaks as if she's possessed, two drinks.

Haruka, Michiru and/or Setsuna make a comment about the Messiah, one drink.

Haruka and/or Michiru talk about their duty as Sailor Senshi, one drink.

Someone calls Chibiusa "Small Lady", one drink. Two if it's not Pluto, Diana, or her parents.

Someone calls Chibiusa the "Rabbit", one drink. Entire beverage if that someone isn't from the Black Moon.

Everytime you wonder why the enemy can't attack Chibimoon and Moon while they're in that ridiculously long process of a) summoning Pegasus with Twinkle Yell, and b) calling upon his power with Moon Gorgeous Meditation, one drink.

Everytime Tiger's-Eye makes perverse noises while looking at someone's Dream Mirror, one drink.

Everytime you see definite proof Fish-Eye is a MAN (and he is!!), five drinks.

Everytime an Anima-Mate tells Galaxia they're sure they've found a true starseed, two drinks. Three if Galaxia whaps 'em around.

Everytime a senshi dies/appears to die (Tuxedo Kamen included), four drinks. Six if it's bloody or Sailormoon screams/sobs really loud when they're gone.

Everytime Beryl bitches at one of the Shintennoh for failing, one drink.

Everytime Usagi and Chibiusa argue over who Mamoru's girlfriend is, one drink.

Everytime Rei and Usagi argue, one drink.

Everytime Hotaru displays an extraordinary amount of power while untransformed, three drinks. Four drinks if she's a baby when she does so.

Everytime you think the Three Lights remind you a LOT of Hanson, three drinks. Four drinks and an ice pack if you comment on this out loud and a Lights fan hits you for it.

Everytime Naru is targetted by the enemy, two drinks.

Everytime a villian becomes good, two drinks. One if it's just a youma/Farge.

Everytime a main villain dies a tear-jerkingly (?) dramatic death, three drinks.

Anytime any of the senshi show up too late to save someone, three drinks and throw something that won't break the TV at those senshi. Anyone who misses must finish their beverage. Severely beating anyone who ends up breaking the TV is completely acceptable.

When you see any one having sex, get up and check the label on the tape.

DiC Version

Everytime you see a cheap coverup of nudity, take a drink

Whenever you see people eating Japanese food, but calling it some kind of American food that it looks nothing like, take 2 drinks.

Whenever the evil "Prince Darian" doesn't recognize the name "Darian" chug tabasko.

Whenever Mevin's voice get's on your nerves, drink a pint of something over 100 proof, you'll need it.

Whenever you wonder why Molly sounds like she's from NYC but lives in Japan, take a drink.

Whenever you begin to LIKE the sound of Catsie's voice, STOP DRINKING!!! YOU'VE HAD TO MUCH!!!

Everytime you see those damn little white rabbit head thingys, take a drink

Take a drink everytime DiC did a horrible job of editing

Everytime Tuxedo Mask gives some cheezy advice, and then does nothing to help the Senshi.. take a drink

Take a drink whenever Serena says Wicked Cool!

Everytime Melvin (Umino) says "Hidey-Ho!!", down a bottle, then throw it at the screen to shut Melvin up!!

Whenever you see something in the preview, and it's not in the episode, take a drink, then go out and buy yourself some fansubs!

Original or Fansub

Anytime Haruka is mistaken for a boy, take a drink.

Anytime Rei slaps Usagi, take a drink.

Whenever ChibiChibi says "Chibi Chibi" take a drink.

Whenever ChibiChibi repeats what someone else just said, take 2 drinks.

Whenever you chukle at Sailor Star Maker's attack "Star Gentle Uterus" take a drink.

Whenever Mamoru loses his memory or gets brain washed, drink a beer.

 3x3 Eyes

Whenever Pai shows her 3rd eye, take a drink.

Whenever Yakumo dies (or SHOULD die), take a drink.

Whenever Ling Ling kicks some major butt, drink a beer.

Whenever you hear Yakumo yell out "Pai!!", take two drinks

Whenever you see Yakumo get impaled, take a drink, two if he coughs up blood

 Project A-ko

Every time Mrs' Ayumi doesn't notice something happening around her take a drink

Every time B-ko shows off a suit or mecha take 2 drinks

Every time C-ko whines or starts crying take a drink

Anytime someone freaks out over C-ko's food take a shot

Take 2 shots for the appearance of any character who's gender is unclear

One shot everytime A-ko is late

 Dominion Tank Police

Every time someone mentions the bacterial cloud, take a drink

Every time the bio-ball starts choking Leonna at an inopprotune time, take a drink

Every time Leonna acts like she's going out with Bonapart (her tank), take a drink

Every time you wonder what the deal with that "Innocent" painting is, take a drink

Whenever you get confused over what the hell that fairy girl is, take a drink

Whenever a building explodes, take a drink.

Whenever one of the puma sisters finish the other one's sentence, take a drink.

Anytime the Chief's eyes bug out of his head, take a sip.

Anytime the Chief says, "BRITAAAAAIN!!" take two drinks.

Anytime the Chief finishes his paperwork and forgets to put it in a freaking file cabinet before a massive explosion flings his desk all over the place take a drink and get ready for the above to occur.

Anytime you chuckle at the line "Erectakagi: the ultimate deterrent" take a drink.

Anytime the Tank Police torture an informent, drink up.

Anytime Al and Leona act all sweet and innocent, take a drink.

Anytime you make a connection between Leona/Bonaparte and that one chick from Patlabor/Alphonse, forget about it and go back to your drinks.

Anytime the Red Commandos piss you off, take a drink.

When Bonaparte does something extremely human, like jump straight up and kick it's heels, wonder why it even needs Leona and Al.

Anytime that flag comes out of capt. Britain's tank, say "BANZAI!" and raise your cup.

Anytime you wonder how the hck those tanks get any sort of traction from those round wheels, consult your old physics teacher and get her to take a drink.

 Marmalade Boy

Whenever Tsutomu loses a bet, take 2 drinks.

Everytime Miki obsesses over which boy she likes more, take 3 drinks.

Whenever someone is shown at tennis practice, take a drink.

Whenever Tsutomu is there, take 2 drinks.

Everytime Arimi gives Miki a nasty look as if to say "Yuu is mine...", take 2 drinks.

Whenever you are reminded of Miki and Yuu's parent swap, chug.

Each time you think "Oooh man, is that ever stupid..." take a few drinks.

When Namura and Meiko get together for some lovin', take 4 drinks.

 Martian Successor Naidesco

Everytime the ladies fight over Akito, take a drink.

Everytime the ladies fight over Akito with their cooking, take 3 drinks.

When Yurika mistakes Akito's feelings for love, take 5 drinks.

Everytime Daigouji Guy shows up, take 6 drinks.

Everytime Daigouji Guy does a special attack, take 7 drinks.

Everytime Daigouji Guy forces someone else to do a special attack, take 8 drinks.

When Yurika's father says something about her being hot, take 9 drinks.

Everytime someone goes SD and flies around the screen, take 10 drinks.

Whenever Izumi laughs at something stupid like "boiled pork", give it up and go to bed.



Every time Kamui screams "Fuuma!", take one drink.

Every time Kotori says "Kamui-chan", take one drink.

Every time Anyone discusses the concept or identity of "Kamui" without Kamui being present, take one drink.

Every time Fuuma says "I am Kamui!", take one drink.

Every time someone is decapitated, take one drink. If it's NOT in a dream, take two. If Kamui hugs the decapitated head, drink 3 times.

Every time Hinato says something to the effect "Please save this Earth" to Kamui, take one drink.

Every time Kamui's cloak billows in the wind, take one drink. If you wish you had a cloak like that, drink twice. Drink three times if you actually have a cloak like that. Chug if you frequently complain that it doesn't billow in the wind like Kamui's.

Every time you are confused, take a drink. If you say aloud "What the hell?!?!?" or something similar, take two. If you say it in Japanese, take 3.

If you ever contemplate why the Dragons of Heaven even bother putting up kekkai if they are going to do suicide attacks, drink 3 times.

If you ever wonder why there are Cherry Blossoms everywhere, drink twice.

If something happens that is different from the Manga, or some key piece of information from the Manga that would allow you to understand is omitted, drink 1/8th (unless the thought of a coma entices you).


Every time there is a flashback, drink once. Drink Twice if Kamui's or Kotori's mother are in it. Drink three times if either mother is brutalized.

Drink once every time it is mentioned that Kotori has a weak heart.

If you don't know Japanese, you are using a translation sheet from the net, drink 3 times for each instance of Kamui's name in Kanji you recognize BEFORE reading the corresponding line in the translation.

Every time the twins say something at the same time, drink once. Drink twice if it's "Hinoto-hime!!! ("Princess Hinoto").

Any time anything depressing happens, drink whatever amount is necessary to cope with the depression.

Every time a character from another CLAMP series shows up, drink twice.

Drink 10 times every time you re-read volume 11 and say to yourself "When is CLAMP going to finish the next damn volume!"

Every time Keiichi calls Kamui "Shirou-kun" take a drink.

Take two drinks if Keiichi does or says something that Kamui doesn't get.

If Keiichi actually makes an obvious pass at Kamui, get out some whiskey.

If you start thinking, "Keiichi is too damn annoying", empty present bottle of liquor and smash it against a hard surface.

Chug vodka every time seeing the current characters in those CLAMP uniforms really really pisses you off.

Every time Kamui wimps out, 1/4. Finish it off if you want to whack him.

Every time he has flashbacks, 1/2 drink.

Every time you think "Fuuma is SO much cooler", 1/16(as of X12-13 you will be thinking this a lot).

Four drinks if Kamui is wearing anything else besides his school uniform(BOTH CLAMP and his older one). Two bottles if it's not that trenchcoat thing in X9-10.

Every time Kotori gets on your nerves, 1 drink.

Every time Arashi disses Sorata, 1 drink.

Five drinks if Sorata is nice to Arashi and she doesn't act cold. Get completely drunk if she starts acting nice back.